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Brief History of Christian Assemblies Camps (CAC)

Formal Christian camping among the Brethren in Trinidad and Tobago began in 1967,

when the first camp was held at the Victory Heights Campsite in Five Rivers, Arouca,

Trinidad. Since then CAC has organized camps at this facility yearly, for specific age

groups. Four week-long camps and one weekend camp are held each year. One camp is

held at Easter and three occur during the August vacations. The last camping activity

for the year is usually a weekend camp for single adults. In addition, CAC organizes

several weekend retreats and training activities which address specific needs of youth

and adults.

Philosophy of Ministry

Christian Assemblies Camps is Christ-centered in character, biblical in teaching and

practice, evangelical in emphasis; aiming without discrimination influenced by ethnicity,

class, creed, gender, age or any other factor, at: 

  • The salvation / regeneration of each individual; 
  • Christian growth in all participants - campers and workers; 
  • The development and nuture of the whole person being modeled after the life of Christ
  • Jesus Christ who "increased wisdom and stature in favor with God & man"(Luke 2:52)
  • The provision of a variety of opportunities for recreational experience
  • Wholesome constructive relationships, mental exercise and emotional satisfaction.

While seeking to achieve these aims, CAC makes use of the natural environment,

to foster an appreciation of God the Creator and of the interdependence of His creation.

The general atmosphere of our camps is wholesome and pure. It is hoped that through the modeling of Spirit-filled workers and through personal and group experiences; good habits

of Christian living and behavior will be developed. The Holy Scriptures are taught for

salvation and the growth and development of each person attending camp.

CAC operates through the combined efforts of various stakeholders. Amongst the

stakeholders are local churches and individuals, who support the work through

participation as board members and volunteer workers at camps; through prayer,

financial support and other gifts. CAC is a team: Christians working together to be used

and directed by God.


For more information call: (868) 799-6329

email: cacupdate@yahoo.com